How do I access the program?
Upon purchasing the program, you will receive an email containing login instructions. If you are new to The Swell, you'll be prompted to create an account here using the same email used during registration. Once your account is created, your purchased program will be accessible in your personal library, located in the top right corner of the website. Existing members can click here to login.
How long will I have access to the program?
The program will live in your Library indefinitely.
How do I become a member?
We are currently offering beta memberships for a limited time. To learn more and sign up, please visit here.
What type of device / browser do I need?
You can view the video program on any Internet-enabled device, on any modern browser.
Is the program purchase refundable?
The Swell does not offer refunds for any reason. Please carefully consider this policy before purchasing the program.
Other questions?
Email us at lmk@theswell.com for any further questions or concerns.
When is The Swell’s next event?
Coming soon! Stay tuned for updates by signing up for The Swell's newsletter here.